Monthly Archives: May 2018

How to make you console app look cool

From time to time everyone needs to write simple console application. It’s a great, simple type of project to test something or write a simple tool. However, most of the times it looks… kind of dull. This is a part of a series of articles about writing a perfect console application in .net core 2. Feel free to read more:

What if it could have an updating percentage value?

Let’s start with something we know. Let’s create a console app, that would show a percentage of the task being done.
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");



        static void ShowSimplePercentage()
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                Console.Write($"\rProgress: {i}%   ");

            Console.Write("\rDone!          ");
And it produces output like this: There’s one little trick to it. Notice I used \r character, that moves caret back to the beginning of the line, where next write overrides last one. It’s a simple animation!

Let’s create a spinner

With a bit of searching through Internet and a little of code:
    static void ShowSpinner()
        var counter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            switch (counter % 4)
                case 0: Console.Write("/"); break;
                case 1: Console.Write("-"); break;
                case 2: Console.Write("\\"); break;
                case 3: Console.Write("|"); break;
            Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop);
We will have something like this:

We need to go bigger!

I searched a bit and came across this post on StackOverflow: Here it is an implementation of an “executive desk toy”.
    static void MultiLineAnimation()
        var counter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)

            switch (counter % 4)
                case 0: {
                        Console.WriteLine("║    │││ \\   ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    │││  O  ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    OOO     ║");
                case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine("║    ││││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    ││││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    OOOO    ║");
                case 2:
                        Console.WriteLine("║   / │││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║  O  │││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║     OOO    ║");
                case 3:
                        Console.WriteLine("║    ││││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    ││││    ║");
                        Console.WriteLine("║    OOOO    ║");
And we have multiline ASCII animation: Cool, isn’t it? With your imagination and thousands of Unicode characters possibilities are limitless.

Let’s have some color

Colorful.Console is a fantastic nuget package, that you can use to introduce some color into your console application. With just a few lines of code:
using System.Drawing;
using Console = Colorful.Console;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("This is a standard info message");
            Console.WriteLine("This is an error!", Color.Red);

We can see something like this: Colorful.Console overrides original console, so it does have all existing methods, but it extends original object with new possibilities. This is important, because you can start using this console in your old code, but introduce color only where you want it. So let’s do some animation with color. This is super easy and a lot of fun.
    static void ColorfulAnimation()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)

                // steam
                Console.Write("       . . . . o o o o o o", Color.LightGray);
                for (int s = 0; s < j / 2; s++)
                    Console.Write(" o", Color.LightGray);

                var margin = "".PadLeft(j);
                Console.WriteLine(margin + "                _____      o", Color.LightGray);
                Console.WriteLine(margin + "       ____====  ]OO|_n_n__][.", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
                Console.WriteLine(margin + "      [________]_|__|________)< ", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
                Console.WriteLine(margin + "       oo    oo  'oo OOOO-| oo\\_", Color.Blue);
                Console.WriteLine("   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+", Color.Silver);

This code produces simple, but effective animation. How would it look in your next console tool? Awesome! This nuget package offers even more, like colorful text. You can use ASCII fonts to write text. You can download fonts here – there are plenty. With a little code:
    static void AsciiText()
        Console.WriteAscii("", Color.FromArgb(131, 184, 214));


        var font = FigletFont.Load("larry3d.flf");
        Figlet figlet = new Figlet(font);
        Console.WriteLine(figlet.ToAscii(""), Color.FromArgb(67, 144, 198));
And downloaded larry3d.flf font file you can see an effect: Full tutorial is available here: All code posted here is available on my github repository: Enjoy and make exciting and amusing code 🙂

Receiving only one message from Azure Service Bus

Some time ago I got a question from Eto: “How would I go about this if I just want to receive one message only?” And I started thinking… is it possible in .Net Core?

I used the newest Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, that is dedicated for .Net Core, but there is no method to receive only one message. So I used regular RegisterMessageHandler with a twist:

    public void ReceiveOne()
        var queueClient = new QueueClient(ServiceBusConnectionString, "go_testing");

            async (message, token) =>
                var messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body);
                Console.WriteLine($"Received: {messageBody}, time: {DateTime.Now}");
                await queueClient.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);

                await queueClient.CloseAsync();
            new MessageHandlerOptions(async args => Console.WriteLine(args.Exception))
            { MaxConcurrentCalls = 1, AutoComplete = false });

As you can see it is a standard approach, but after successfully processed message, I close queueClient. This works and it receives only one message, but it also gives an error.

I wasn’t fully satisfied with the solution, so I asked a question on StackOverflow:

After a few hours, I got an answer, that it is possible and I should just… use different package!

Using the old package

So far I didn’t manage to use old package in .NetCore project. So in order to install package WindowsAzure.ServiceBus, you need to have project referencing full framework.

And here is the code:

    public async Task ReceiveOne()
        var queueClient = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(ServiceBusConnectionString, "go_testing", ReceiveMode.PeekLock);

        var message = await queueClient.ReceiveAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"Received: {message.GetBody<string>()}, time: {DateTime.Now}");

        await message.CompleteAsync();

So that’s it and it works, but sadly not in .Net Core. However, I’ll keep this post up to date when such thing will be possible.

Sending Service Bus message in Go

Go or GoLang is an open source programming language. It’s a server-side C like language created by Google. I won’t take much or your time to introduce you to the language, but here is a short summary why it’s worth trying.


  • Go is open-source, but backed up by Google and used by big companies (Google, Dropbox, Docker, etc.)
  • It is something we know, it resembles C++ and it is easy to read
  • It’s fast, it compiles directly to machine language, no virtual machine in the middle
  • It’s a modern language, with packages instead of classes
  • Unlike many older languages, Go is designed to work in parallel

The easiest way

I found a package on github: I needed to modify it a bit to work properly, so I forked that into my repo:

I found an existing sample and provided my credentials.

package main

import (


func main() {

	i := 0
	log.Printf("Send: %d", i)

	namespace := "bialecki"
	keyname := "RootManageSharedAccessKey"
	keyvalue := "[SharedAccessKeyValue]"

	client := asbclient.New(asbclient.Topic, namespace, keyname, keyvalue)

	err := client.Send("go_testing", &asbclient.Message{
		Body: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("message %d", i)),

	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Send error: %s", err)
	} else {
		log.Printf("Sent: %d", i)

And result can be seen very fast:

Receiving Service Bus message is also trivial with this package and takes only a few lines of code. It looks like this:

package main

import (


func main() {

	namespace := "bialecki"
	keyname := "RootManageSharedAccessKey"
	keyvalue := "[SharedAccessKeyValue]"

	client := asbclient.New(asbclient.Queue, namespace, keyname, keyvalue)

	for {
		msg, err := client.PeekLockMessage("go_testing", 30)

		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Peek error: %s", err)
		} else {
			log.Printf("Peeked message: '%s'", string(msg.Body))
			err = client.DeleteMessage(msg)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Delete error: %s", err)

It works, simple as that. So…

How fast is it?

Let’s say I need to send 1000 messages and receive them. As asbclient package supports only sending messages one by one, I will implement the same logic in .Net Core app. Sending part can look like this:

    public async Task Send1000()
        var queueClient = new QueueClient(ServiceBusConnectionString, "go_testing");
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            await queueClient.SendAsync(new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Message number " + i)));

And receiving part:

    public void ReceiveAll()
        var queueClient = new QueueClient(ServiceBusConnectionString, "go_testing");

            async (message, token) =>
                var messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body);

                Console.WriteLine($"Received: {messageBody}, time: {DateTime.Now}");

                await queueClient.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);
            new MessageHandlerOptions(async args => Console.WriteLine(args.Exception))
            { MaxConcurrentCalls = 1, AutoComplete = false });

So what are the times for 1000 messages?

Sending messages is faster in .Net Core, but receiving is slightly slower. However sending can be done much faster in .Net Core with batch send. Also receiving in some cases can be done faster, if you can write safe code that can process messages in parallel. Notice that in the last code snippet MaxConcurrentCalls is set to 1, that means reading messages is done synchronously.
Go code can be written faster probably as well. Golang is famous for support for parallel code with its goroutines. Should you go with go for Service Bus? Can’t really say if it’s worth it at this point, but it is definitely possible.


All code posted you can find it my github repo, go code itself is here:

You can read more about Service Bus in .Net Core in my post: Receiving messages from Azure Service Bus in .Net Core.